Sunday, June 6, 2010

The Yellow Door

Ella Rae gently pushed against the door. Both children held their breath as the door slowly opened, making only a whisper of a sound. A long series of "cheep, cheep, cheep, cheep....." sounded faintly through the opening. Melvin came to stand behind Ella Rae, then both slowly pushed the door open further and stepped through. Blinking in the bright light they finally noticed they were in some kind of wooded clearing. Now they could hear birds, and other noises they had not yet identified. The air was softly warm and yet a bit steamy like a fresh loaf of bread.

The long swaying grass at their feet was a strange blue green, while the sky they could see peeking through the heavy foliage was a clear aqua. Everything seemed tinged with a blue cast. Just as they were taking stock of their surroundings a shrieking voice said "And just what do you think you are doing here?" Both of them jumped and in panic turned back to the door, but it was gone. Again the raspy strident voice called out "Announce yourself at once!"


  1. Sounds intriquing so far. I must admit, I love childrens books and often find things of intrest in the so called "young adult" section at the local library.

  2. I love children's books too... this one has been rattling around inside my head so I decided this might be a good place to try it out. :)
